Protecting your rights is crucial, no matter the level of your drug charge.
Don’t let the complexities of the legal system overwhelm you, at least not when Beavon Lawyers’ drug lawyer Brisbane team are on your side.
Understanding your legal responsibilities and the criminal legislation surrounding your case is also an essential part of securing a fair trial. Are you looking for the best defence?
Our drug offence lawyer team will fearlessly represent you in court and go that extra mile to win. Our lawyers have a wealth of industry experience when it comes to supporting clients who face criminal drug charges, from low-level drug offences requiring a drug possession lawyer through to serious drug trafficking and importation charges.
Secure the representation, advice, and support you need to fight for the best outcome with Beavon Lawyers.
Your Defence is Stronger With Beavon Lawyers On Your Side.
Request a free consultation or give us a call on 1800 558 533 now.
We are Brisbane’s leading drug defence lawyer team with expertise in the following areas and more:
We want to make the process as simple as possible. Talk to our drug possession lawyer team before speaking to the police, and before appearing in court. This call makes a world of difference.
Call 1800 558 533 for 24/7 expert legal advice
Transparency is key at Beavon Lawyers, which is why you will always receive a quote with no hidden fees in the process of gaining representation from a drug defence lawyer team that’s committed to winning.
Protecting your rights is our priority and supporting you from beginning to end is our mission– a drug offence lawyer will represent you in court, speak on your behalf, and offer advice that establishes the best outcome.
Our most proficient and highly respected drug lawyer Brisbane experts will handle your case confidentially and with utmost care – we don’t back down.
We understand that the legal system can feel confusing, but with Beavon Lawyers, you’ll better understand the intricacies of your own case in a language that is simple to follow.
No matter the offence, your drug charges lawyer will have your back. We will support and represent you without bias, providing you with complete confidence in your legal team.
Although Brisbane-based, a drug charges lawyer at Beavon Lawyers has the ability to represent clients across all courts and jurisdictions from Queensland and New South Wales, to Victoria, and beyond!
Google, Yellow Pages Online, if at a police station ask for access to the Yellow Pages.
You can call Beavon Lawyers 24 hours a day on 1800 558 533 or 07 3238 1888 or Contact Us online.
Our criminal justice system ensures that you are granted a number of rights. This includes the presumption of innocence until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. A defence lawyer can ensure that you rights are met. They can explain what the offence is and what Prosecution needs to prove before that offence is made out. Even if the offence is prima facie made out, you may have a defence. A defence lawyer can explain to you the prospects of the case and advise you the best course of action to take. They will represent you in court and speak on your behalf to the court, police, and any other relevant body. They can also obtain a range of relevant documents from other parties.
If you are in a watch house you should request the Sergeant of the watch house to allow you to make a call to either a lawyer, a friend or a family member who you should inform where you are and have them contact the lawyer of your choice. It is important that somebody be aware of your whereabouts.
You can call Beavon Lawyers 24 hours a day on 1800 558 533 or 07 3238 1888 or Contact Us.
You have rights under the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act to phone a lawyer of your choice. For example, Beavon Lawyers runs a service whereby you can initially speak to a lawyer by phone and then on payment of a fee have a lawyer attend either the police station or watch house depending on the hour and time of day and the availability of a lawyer.
On most occasions you will be taken to a police station in your local area or suburb.
Qp9 stands for Queensland Police Form 9 and is a form that the police fill in when they charge you. It lists the exact charge with a brief description of the facts which they allege against you. The Qp9 is usually picked up at your first mention. You may request that you receive it before this date.
The Magistrate may order that you spend time in custody while you are waiting for the case to be finalised. Alternatively, the Magistrate may order that you be released back into the community on certain conditions during this time. The release is called bail and you must promise that you will return to court for Trial or Sentence. Other conditions imposed on you may be to report to the police on a regular basis.
If you are refused bail in the Magistrates Court you can apply for bail in the Supreme Court. Such an application requires a large amount of preparation and Beavon Lawyers has an enviable track record when it comes to these applications.
The first day that you attend court for the offence is a ‘mention’. This is a short appearance advising the Magistrate or Judge what is to happen next in the matter. It is not unusual for there to be a number of mentions before the matter is finalised.